Change Your Diet, Change Your Health

October 27, 2008

Tomorrow’s an exciting day! I’m going to be featured on SoWalScene’s website! Yippee!!! Check it out and let me know what you think.

This is truly amazing and is just additional proof about the foods you eat. I found this video on YouTube and felt it is worth sharing. Consult with a doctor before doing anything…A Natural Doctor, of course 🙂

Did you ever see the documentary Super Size Me? Director Morgan Spurlock takes a hilarious and often terrifying look at the effects of fast food on the human body. For one month, Spurlock eats nothing but McDonald’s food, ordering everything on the menu at least once and “super-sizing” his order if asked. With 2 out of 3 American’s overweight, Spurlock’s film begs the question: Where does personal responsibility end and corporate responsibility begin?

Why won’t people take their own responsibility for becoming healthier?

What are your thoughts?

To Your Health…

Debbie James

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Not Just Weight Loss – Only A Name Change

October 19, 2008

It occurred to me the other day, after speaking with my mentor and good friend Tricia, that I don’t want my readers thinking all my blog is about is weight loss. I want it to be so much more….about your health. Of course, being over weight is a major health issue in today’s society…2 out of 3 Americans are over weight!

What about… Raising your energy level? Improving your focus? Strengthening your immune system? Lowering your leptin levels? Increasing your body’s production of it’s master anti-oxidant, Glutathione? Improve heart and lung function? Diet and exercise? And even slowing down the aging process!!! There is so much that is tied to your ultimate health, besides just weight loss.

In today’s society, too many doctors look at the symptoms and prescribe medication based on that. What they don’t look at, is what is causing those symptoms. I believe in doctors, and believe they are very important to us. From my own recent experience, I learned my lesson not to just listen and do what the doctor says. Get a 2nd opinion.

Here’s an example my husband, Michael, went thru: Back in 2004 Michael, got so tired after eating a meal, he had to take a nap. Obviously, something was not right. We went to a doctor, who we thought was a natural doctor, to come away with the doctor hinting Michael had diabetes. We had a cat that was on and off diabetic for years and knew just enough to know Michael did NOT have diabetes. A good friend of ours referred us to a true natural doctor in Atlanta (she has severe food allergies and this doctor helped her). After many tests, it was discovered Michael is allergic to yeast!!! He immediately changed his diet and instantly felt better. Today, if he eats something with yeast, it makes him tired. At least he knows what the cause and effect is if he eats food with yeast as one of the ingredients. Could you imagine if we went down the first path???? Did you also know that just about every American has a food allergy? (More about that in another post).

The medical industry has come so far as natural supplements go. Look at Chinese medicine…they have been successful for thousands of years. All I’m asking is to take a hard look at what is causing your symptoms vs. just treating them.

With all that said, I have decided to change the name of my blog from: Your Dream Size TO: Healthy Life With Max.

It’s about your mind, body and spirit. My good friend, Lance, says “A strong mind, makes a strong body“.

To Your Health…

Debbie James

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Why Do Diets Fail?

October 8, 2008

While reading thru a bunch of websites and blogs, I found these 7 bullet points that I wanted to share. DIETS DON’T WORK, long-term. Remember you must make lifestyle changes and change your eating habits. Besides, I hate that 4 letter word…diet!!

  • Dieters often underestimate the number of calories in foods and overestimate the number of calories burned through exercise
  • Nearly 1 in 5 people have tried to diet six or more times over the past 24 months
  • Socializing is one of the top three reasons people eventually fail with a diet
  • 2 out of 3 people say they are most likely to go off of a diet between the hours of 5 PM and midnight
  • The number one predictor of weight loss relapse is stress
  • Nearly 40% of women say they did not have enough willpower to stay on their diet
  • Satiety is the missing ingredient in most weight loss programs

Why put yourself thru this agony? All you will end up doing is binging…I know, I’ve done it! You deprive yourself of say, chocolate, and then get so upset, mad, irritated, hungry, or whatever else and then eat more than you should. All you end up with is a tummy ache. Now you’re mad because you know you should not have binged.

Don’t diet! Just make some “tweaks” to your eating and make a lifestyle change. Just one…take baby steps if you must. I recently had to cut wheat out of my “diet” and there are some really yummy foods…try Millet bread (I buy this at my local health food store and you should toast it) and Bob’s Red Mill Gluten free brownies (I buy Bob’s brand at my local Publix).

To Your Health!

Debbie James

Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

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Do You Have Food Allergies?

September 13, 2008

Probably so!! Just about everyone has some sort of food allergy. Did you know that more than 160 foods can cause allergic reactions in people with food allergies? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified eight foods that account for 90 percent of reactions. They are:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish (e.g., bass, flounder, cod)
  • Crustacean shellfish (e.g., crab, lobster, shrimp)
  • Tree nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, pecans)
  • Peanuts
  • Wheat
  • Soybeans

According to the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004, foods containing products made from these foods must identify them as source ingredients on packaging labels. Food products labeled before January 1, 2006 were not required to identify ingredient sources – only common names. ALWAYS use special care when reading labels.

I recently cut wheat out of my diet, and can breathe so much better! I’m also allergic to shell fish. I found that out years ago when I started taking a fish oil supplement. My skin started to itch so badly I wanted to come out of it! Good thing I don’t like to eat fish…never liked the taste. I take flax oil instead.

Maybe it’s true…you are what you eat?

To Your Health…

Debbie James

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